To truly experience ecstasy, the love of GOD, would mean to invite profound change. Dionysus is the god of wine and ecstasy, liberation and abandonment. When we touch Dionysus we touch the irrational wisdom of the senses and experience joy.
I honor Robert A. Johnson's wisdom about inviting profound change and the power of experiencing the moment fully.
I am a trained sociologist and have a master's degree in social work. Today I also work at the cultural administration with art and culture for children and young people.
Ten years ago I became a certified vinyasa and yin yoga teacher and long before that yoga and meditation have been a big part of my daily practice. I am a certified Next Stage facilitation / Integral facilitator at Ten Direction. I have also studied Zen Buddhism with Zen master Genpo Roshi / The Big Mind process (a type of voice dialogue).
For over 20 years I have practiced the martial art of Capoeira Angola where I find strength, my inner fire and creativity. Capoeira has taken me to Brazil and Portugal where I lived for several years of my life.
I am a dedicated practitioner of tantra and spirituality and have studied with various schools, teachers and teachings over the years. I am inspired by Zen Buddhism, nature, shamanism, Tao and Chinese medicine and am touched by the co-creation between people.
My dearest guide through life is my body, my temple and I take in and experience life through it. I feel, sense, express, touch and am touched through it… I exist and sometimes I expand and become one with everything.
Methods I am inspired by and based on during the sessions are:
IFS - Internal Family System
Somatic therapy / SE
Integral facilitation - Ten Direction
Meditation and mindfulness
Zen Buddhist practices
Vocal Sound Therapy - Githa Ben-David, The Note from heaven
Right now I am studying:
A three-year SEP training - Somatic Experience Practitioner
Essence work with Velusia and Avikal at Osho Risk